Our Board of Directors

Nicholas Inman – FML Board President : Nicholas is the Senior Pastor of the Elkland Independent Methodist Church and Director of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, Missouri. He enjoys reading, history and volunteering.

Vickie Johnson – FML Board Vice President: Vickie has been married to her husband for over 33 years, and has ministered as a mother, foster parent and Sunday school teacher for over 26 years. She tinkers with being a florist and enjoys her small farm, kayaking, hiking, and visiting national parks.

Varena Manion – FML Board Co-Secretary: Varena is a retired educator and librarian who now frequents flea markets and antique shops. 

Becky Fisher – FML Board Treasurer: Becky is a retired elementary teacher and math teacher. She enjoys growing flowers and doing genealogy.

Other board members:

Diana Wright: Diana is a retired educator and SPED teacher. She enjoys her flowers, helping her church and cooking. 

Joyce Inman: Joyce enjoys reading, traveling, meeting new people and going to church. She enjoys helping others when she can.

Past board members:

Judy Kasterke
Elaine Parny
Terry Thomas

Stephaney Wright-Menzies

Betty Burks

Kris McCarter

Sharon Shannon

Harold Hill

Dea Schuder